Monday, April 11, 2011

My Twin Above All!

Twins have a relationship few understand

When I was teaching in the Boston Public Schools system back in 1975, I had a pair of identical twins in my class. One was with me in the morning session and the other was with me in the afternoon session. Their schedule was such that they did not see each other until they returned home at the end of the school day. Jose and Jesus, young Puerto Ricans, were studying in my Bilingual Business Skills Program

Once I asked Jose, "If you had to lose everyone in your family except one, which one would you choose not to lose?" Without any hesitation he responded, "Jose!" Later in the same day I asked Jesus the same question. He likewise answered, "Jesus!" My twin Jimmy and I had previously asked ourselves the same question. We both answered with the other's name. So of course I saw nothing strange in the way Jesus and Jose had responded. There is nothing unusual in this special, sort of mystical, bond twins everywhere seem to have, especially identical twins.

Later it occurred to me to ask some singletons the same question. Not one singleton chose any member of their family other than their mother or their father, except in one case: The singleton chose his grandmother!  A couple of singletons asked me, "Why would you ever choose your brother over your parents?"  My response was that we are twins first, then brothers.

My conclusion: Most twins, I believe, will choose one's twin over all others precisely because he or she is one's twin, not because he is our brother or she is our sister. Often a non-twin will say "my twin brothers"; however, when a male twin is talking about his identical twin, twin brother is a redundancy. "My twin" is quite sufficient.

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Reflections of a Lone Twin...

What's New on My Blogs?

October 2011
Here's the latest goings-on with my blogs"
George in Thailand
Since several members of my family have asked how I was doing with all the flooding in Thailand, I have posted some observations and three videos. In Meet My New Thai Friend I introduce you to Pramool. Charming!
Twins in a World of Singletons
I haven't made any new postings recently. When I have any new thoughts or feelings or observation on what it means to be a twin, I will post them.
The Lotus Sutra and Me
I haven't made any new postings for awhile, but I have plenty of notes for when I do.
George W. Ross, MEd
Nothing new here either. Since this is primarily for those interested in my background and experience in my professional life as an educator. As I am retired and not teaching any longer, I have nothing new to add!
A note about how I prepare to write for my blogs: I carry a little notebook with me, and whenever something that I think you'll like or that I simply want to share, I write about it in a new post.

That's all, Folks!

A Mystical Bond

My Posting of July 19, 2011, contains an article on my twin and me titled, A Mystical Bond. It was written by Sandra Boodman as a human interest story. I would be donating bone marrow to Jimmy in a protocol conducted by the National Institutes of Health. The study was to determine how effective AZT, the only medication at the time for AIDS patients. We joined the study mainly to participate in research that might lead to more effective treatments for patients with AIDS. There was a possibility that the study might help Jimmy; however, we all knew that the chances of his benefiting personally from the study were, as Jimmy said, "slim and fat, since the expressions 'slim chance' and 'fat chance' mean the same thing even though slim and fat are opposites." Jimmy liked those kind of linguistic canundrums. In the end, Jimmy got an added six months of life. We were both happy about that.